Название: When You're Good To Mama
Исполнитель: Musicals
Альбом: Chicago
Год: 1975 Язык: Английский Прослушать песню:
Matron mama morton.
Ask any of the chikies in my pen
They'll tell you I'm the biggest mother
I love them all and all of them love me
Because the system works
The system called reciprocit
Got a little motto
Always see me through
When you're good to mama
Mama's good to you
There's a lot of favors
I'im prefared to do
You do one for mama
She'll do one for you.
They say that life is tit for tat
And that's the way I live
So, I deserve a lot of tat
For what I've got to give
Don' you know that this hand
washes that one too
When you're good to mama
Mama's good to you!
If you want my gravy
Perpper my ragout
Spice it up for mama
She'll get hot for you
When they pass that basket
Folks conribute to
You put in for mam
She'll put our for you
Let's all strok together
Like the princeton crew
When you're stronkin' mama
Mam's stronkin' you
So what's the conclusion
I can bring this number too
When you're good to mam
Mama's good to you!!
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