Название: Finale
Исполнитель: Musicals
Альбом: Chicago
Год: 1975 Язык: Английский
Thank you. Roxie and I would just like to thank you - for
you faith and your belief in our innocence.
Yes, it was letters, telegrams, and words of encouragement
that helped see us through this terrible ordeal of ours.
You know, a lot of people has lost faith in America.
And for what America stands for.
But we are the living examples of what a wonderful country this is.
So we'd just like to say thank you and God Bless you.
Velma and Roxie:
God bless you.
Thank you and God bless you... Chorus:
God be with you. No,
God walk with you always. I'm no one's wife
God bless you. But, oh,
God bless you. I love my life...
Velma, Roxie et al.:
And all that jazz
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