Here it comes again
Cannot out run my desire
Cover my decent
And throw the
Beauty on the fire
Drawn towards the edge
Do I assume I could fly
Every secret shared
Why do I drink
The feelings dry
Don't go too far
Limitation scars
Could I be lost forever
To drown
My soul in
Here it comes again
You raise the bar even higher
I cannot catch my breath
So throw the
Beauty on the fire
Don't push too hard
Limitation scars
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“Очень круто! Уже после 2-й ступени могу спокойно общаться.” - Э. А. Посетите бесплатный урок.
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[+54] Предновогодний конкурс!!!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas greetings
Do you believe in the evil eye?
I also hide my things in the drawers if I become tired of them.