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Название: Cowboy Hat
Исполнитель: Nickelback
Альбом: The State
Год: 2000
Язык: Английский

    Yes he wore a cowboy hat Each bone broken in his back All the money and all the gold Couldn't buy my love at 8 years old Now I'm in love with a girl thats wrong for me Ask her, she will disagree Her father was a small time man With small time dreams and small time hands But But I was there when there was nobody home Please believe me when i say i dunno Gone for good in fact but what does it mean Within a year they always sold and bought Easy enough to just look at her Whole world on a silver platter Was that that bad for me If I was there the scotch is free Won round one but its not over He don't care cause he don't know her True love is not the same If I could lend a hand in shame But I was there when there was nobody home Please believe me when i say i dunno Gone for good infact but what does it mean Within a year they always sold and bought If I was big So much easier to see Don't hide from me That which I've already seen You lie to me More than occasionally Don't lie to me You lied to me I'm as high as I'll ever be I don't mind, Stay and see They've all gone, Why don't we Holding hands, you and me But I'm as high as i'll ever be But later on, lies to see My past is gone, only from me I'm alive But I was there when there was nobody home Please belirve me when I say I dunno Gone for good infact but what does it mean Within a year they always sold and bought Remember when it was me Driving come down just for me And then we'll try as we've been

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