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Название: Worthy To Say
Исполнитель: Nickelback
Альбом: The State
Год: 2000
Язык: Английский

    They usually come around about 10 o'clock You can hear them You can tell them by the way they knock Somebody said the other one had a badge Who told ya, Who told ya How bout if I stay and you run away Well come on back and try to get some today Well somebody's gonna do it again Gonna make me turn against all of my friends So you better have something damn worthy to say They're growin dope everywhere around the block You can smell it You can tell by the way they talk Somebody stole five for gasoline Who told ya, Who told ya How bout if I stay and you run away Well come on back and try to get some today Well somebody's gonna do it again Gonna make me turn against all of my friends So you better have something damn worthy to say I'll never do it again (No I wont) Lets settle it (We dont) I can't afford my life cause I'm spending it Since you got just what you wanted We never do anything anymore One on the telephone, one on the door Somebody said revenge was served sweeter cold I told ya, I told ya They're growing dope everywhere around the block You can smell it you can tell it by the way they talk Somebody stole five for gasoline Who told ya, Who told ya How bout if I stay and you run away Well come on back and try to get some today Well somebody's gonna do it again Gonna make me turn against all of my friends So you better have something damn worthy to say I'll never do it again (No I wont) Let's settle it (We dont) I can't afford my life cause I'm spending it Since you got just what you wanted I'll never do it again (No I won't) Praise myself (I don't) I can't afford my life cause I'm spending it Since you got just what you wanted What you wanted

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