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Название: More Than A Dream
Исполнитель: Pet Shop Boys
Альбом: Yes
Год: 2009
Язык: Английский
Скачать песню (9.12 Мб)

    Coming soon Something good Something we can share Understood Could be better news We can share Something's coming soon I hear it everywhere (live it) it's the story of our lives (come give it) it's the way we've always been (come give it) though the mountains may divide (come give it) we can reach the sea I believe we can change We can make it more than a dream And I believe we can change It's not as strange as it might seem In the air I can feel Something magical becoming real From the other side looking in Come on, throw the dice And tonight we'll win (live it) it's the story of our lives (come give it) it's the way we've always been (come give it) though the mountains may divide (come give it) we can reach the sea I believe we can change We can make it more than a dream And I believe we can change It's not as strange as it might seem [x2] Driving through the night Just you and me Faster than any light Something's calling (calling, calling) Calling us away Do you believe Heaven isn't that obvious We'll be there in a heartbeat I believe we can change We can make it more than a dream And I believe we can change It's not as strange as it might seem It's not as strange as it might seem Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh (repeats in background) I believe we can change We can make it more than a dream And I believe we can change It's not as strange as it might seem [x3]

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