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Название: Overboard
Исполнитель: Poets of the Fall
Альбом: Signs of Life
Год: 2005
Язык: Английский
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    I see you crying and it rains Washing away the bad days Washing away the pain loss brings yeah And then you smile though it aches Cos you don't believe in mistakes Just that we made a mess of things When the deal that you made with love is now a one way street A one way street And you'll feel you'll go overboard Cos you're incomplete, incomplete You're not afraid to rely On any way you can try To learn to make some sense of things yeah And the way you say we'll get by With a little laugh we can fly You know the measure of hope that brings When the deal that you made with love is just a one way street A one way street And you'll feel you'll go overboard Cos you're incomplete, incomplete I hear you laughing like a child Instead of choking all riled Instead of staring at shortcomings yeah Just like the rain when you cried Washed all the stains of false pride You'll learn to make the best of things Have a little more of not enough More of what is less but isn't love Little of the same you're dreaming of That's enough, that's enough When the deal that you made with love is now a one way street A one way street And you'll feel you'll go overboard Cos you're incomplete, incomplete When the deal that you made with love is just a one way street A one way street And you'll feel you'll go overboard Cos you are in-complete yeah When the deal that you made with love is now a one way street A one way street And you'll feel you'll go overboard Cos you're incomplete, incomplete When the deal that you made with love is just a one way street A one way street And you'll feel you'll go overboard Cos you're incomplete, incomplete

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