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Название: Bite The Dust
Исполнитель: Pussycat Dolls
Альбом: PCD
Год: 2005
Язык: Английский

    Bite the dust Trust me, anything you can do I can do better than you Bite the dust Some things really impossible You're no exception to rules Bite the dust How many times I go to tell you? People need to see you Bite the dust You see, I'm really helping you I'm keeping you from looking a fool She's got a plan to have my man She's going to have to deal with me Ooh, sugar I got him I got 20/20 vision I can see that you want my man Ooh, sugar I got him 'Cause it's my job To make you understand Ooh, sugar I got him Try to make a move And I'm on him like 5-0 Ooh, sugar I got him So you can go 'Cause I got him Got him Bite the dust Big girl, I really hope You get the message I'm trying to convey Bite the dust 'Cause you're pushing me to the edge And I ain't got time to play Bite the dust How many times I got to tell you? He's where he wants to be Bite the dust Keep on, act like you didn't know My hands going to do the talking today She's got a plan to have my man She's going to have to deal with me Ooh, sugar I got him I got 20/20 vision I can see that you want my man Ooh, sugar I got him 'Cause it's my job To make you understand Ooh, sugar I got him Try to make a move And I'm on him like 5-0 Ooh, sugar I got him So you can go 'Cause I got him Got him Oh Oh Give it up Give it up (Oh) Give it up Give, give, give it up I know what she wants I know My man She's got a plan to have my man She's going to have to deal with me Ooh, sugar I got him I got 20/20 vision I can see that you want my man Ooh, sugar I got him 'Cause it's my job To make you understand Ooh, sugar I got him Try to make a move And I'm on him like 5-0 Ooh, sugar I got him So you can go 'Cause I got him Got him Bite the dust I got 20/20 vision I can see that you want my man Bite the dust 'Cause it's my job To make you understand Bite the dust Try to make a move And I'm on him like 5-0 Bite the dust So you can go 'Cause I got him Got him Your other girl bites the dust (Yeah) Your other girl bites the dust (Yeah) Your other girl bites the dust (Yeah) Your other girl bites the dust (Yeah)

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