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Название: It's a Hard Life (Mercury)
Исполнитель: QUEEN
Альбом: Greatest Hits II
Год: 1993
Язык: Английский

    (Mercury) I don't want my freedom There's no reason for living with a broken heart This is a tricky situation I've only got myself to blame It's just a simple fact of life It can happen to anyone You win - you lose It's a chance you have to take with love Oh yeah - I fell in love But now you say it's over and I'm fallin' apart It's a hard life To be true lovers together To love and live forever in each others hearts It's a long hard fight To learn to care for each other To trust in one another right from the start When you're inlove I try and mend the broken pieces I try to fight back the tears They say it's just a state of mind But it happens to anyone How it hurts - deep inside When your love cuts you down to size Life is tough - on your own Now I'm waitin' for something to fall from the skies Waiting for love Yes it's a hard life Two lovers together To love and live forever in each others hearts It's a long hard fight To learn to care for each other To trust in one another right from the start When you're inlove Yes it's a hard life In a world that's filled with sorrow There are people searching for love in every way It's a long hard fight But I always live for tomorrow I'll look back on myself and say I did it for love Yes I did it for love - for love - I did it for love

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