Название: Faust Arp
Исполнитель: Radiohead
Альбом: In Rainbows
Год: 2007 Язык: Английский
Wakey wakey
Rise and shine
It's on again off again on again
Watch me fall
Like dominoes
In pretty patterns
Fingers in
the blackbird pie
I'm tingling tingling tingling
It's what you feel now
What you ought to what you ought to
Reasonable and sensible
Dead from the neck up
I guess I'm stuffed, stuffed, stuffed
We thought you had it in you
But no no no
For no real reason
Squeeze the tubes and empty bottles
And take a bow take a bow take a bow
It's what you feel now
What you ought to what you ought to
An elephant that's in the room is
Tumbling tumbling tumbling
In duplicate and triplicate and
Plastic bags and
Duplicate and triplicate
Dead from the neck up
I guess I'm stuck stuck stuck
We thought you had it in you
But no no no
Exactly where do you get off
Is enough is enough is enough
I love you but enough is enough, enough of that stuff
There's no real reason
You've got a head full of feathers
You're gonna melt in to butter
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