Название: Down Is The New Up
Исполнитель: Radiohead
Альбом: In Rainbows
Год: 2007 Язык: Английский
Get yourself together
Let the light pour in
Pour yourself a hot bath, pour yourself a drink
Nothing's gonna happen without a warning
Down is the new up
What is up, buttercup
Down is the new up, is the new up
Your services are not required
Your future's bleak, you're so last week
Ladies and gentlemen, without a safety net
I shall now perform a 180 flip-flop
I shall now amputate, I shall now contort
Because down is the new up
What if I just flip-flopped?
Down is the new up
Down is the new up
Down is the new up, is the new up
You're on Candid Camera
The chink in your armor
Topsy turvy town, topsy turvy town
Shake your pockets out
Pass it on, pass it down
Topsy turvy town, topsy turvy town
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