Название: Bangers And Mash
Исполнитель: Radiohead
Альбом: In Rainbows
Год: 2007 Язык: Английский
You bit me, bit me, bit me, oh
You bit me, bit me, and i want more
I'm standing in the hall
Kicking out the wall
It's all been said to comfort you
Bangers in the mash
The negatives for cash
You're either in the club, baby, or you're not
Whatever turns you on
Whatever gets you off
Chief of police, the vice-chancellor
Lord and Lady Blah Blah
The Vicar and The Judge
You're dancing to my little red book
Bit me, bit me, bit me, oh
I've got the poison, poison
And I want more
Get you an armoured car
They're gonna throw a rock
Stare into the light
The pyramid is power
If you are on the top
Then it is a long drop
If you stare into the dark,
The dark will stare back
Back into your soul
I want to thank you, thank you, thank you all
I'm having such a good time, a good time, had enough?
I'm taking you down
I'm taking you down
I'm taking you down when I go down
I'm taking you down
I'm taking you down
I'm standing in the hall
Kicking out the wall
Bit me, bit me, bit me, oh
Bit me, bit me, bit me, oh
I've got the poison
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