Название: Stop Whispering
Исполнитель: Radiohead
Альбом: Pablo Honey
Год: 1993 Язык: Английский
And the wise man say I don't wanna hear your voice
And the thin man say I don't wanna hear your voice
And they're cursing me
And they won't let me be
And there's nothing to say
And there's nothing to do
Stop whispering
Start shouting
Stop whispering
Start shouting
And my mother say we spit on you son some more
And the buildings say we spit on your face some more
And the feeling is that there's something wrong
Cause I can't find the words and I can't find the songs
Stop whispering
Start shouting
Stop whispering
Start shouting
Dear Sir, I have a complaint
Dear Sir, I have a complaint
Can't remember what it is
Doesen't matter anyway
Doesen't matter anyway
Stop whispering
Stop whispering
Stop whispering
Stop whispering
Start shoooooooooouuuuuuu
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