Название: Thinking About You
Исполнитель: Radiohead
Альбом: Pablo Honey
Год: 1993 Язык: Английский
Been thinking about you
Your eyes are on my wall
Your teeth are over there
But I'm still no one
And you're now a star
What do you care?
Been thinking about you
And there's no rest
Should I still love you?
Still see you in bed
But I'm playing with myself
And what do you care when the other men are far, far better
All the things you got
All the things you need
Who bought you cigarettes?
Who bribed the company to come and see you, honey?
I been thinking about you
So how can you sleep?
These people aren't your friends
They're paid to kiss your feet
They don't know what I know
And why should you care when I'm not there?
Been thinking about you
Should I still love you?
Still see you in bed
But I'm playing with myself
And what do you care when I'm not there?
All the things you got
She'll never need
All the things you got
I'm played out and bleed to please you
I been thinking about you
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