Название: Staring At The Ground
Исполнитель: Roxette
Альбом: Have A Nice Day
Год: 1999 Язык: Английский
I'm staring at the ground
I'm bloodless, thrown away from the sun
What's lost cannot be found
I can't return your tears
If I ever live to be a thousand years
I'm staring at the ground
I never wished you a broken heart
Coincidence put you down
He won't withdraw those tears
If you ever lived to be a thousand years
What do I have to say to make you stay?
What do I have to do to make you happy?
I'm staring at the ground
I wish I could bring the spring to your door
To the coldest side of town
I carry your wounded dreams
Like the devil's deeds in the pocket of my jeans
What do I have to say to make you stay?
What do I have to do to make you happy?
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