Название: The One
Исполнитель: Shakira
Альбом: Laundary Service
Год: 2001 Язык: Английский
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So I find a reason to shave my legs
Each single morning
So I count on someone
Friday nights to take me dancing
And then to church on Sundays
To plant more dreams
And someday think of kids
Or maybe just to save a little money
You're the one I need
The way back home is always long
But if you're close to me
I'm holding on
You're the one I need
My real life has just begun
Cause there's nothing like
Your smile made of sun
In a world full of strangers
You're the one I know
So I learn to cook
And finally lose my kitchen phobia
So I've got the arms to cuddle in
When there's a ghost or a muse
That brings insomnia
To buy more thongs
And write more happy songs
It always takes a little help from someone
You're the one I need
The way back home is always long
But if you're close to me
I'm holding on
You're the one I need
My real life has just begun
Cause there's nothing like
Your smile made of sun
You're the one I need
You're the one I need
With you my real life has just begun
You're the one I need
Nothing like your smile made of sun
Nothing like your love
Nothing like your love
Nothing like your love
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