Название: Eyes Like Yours (Ojos Asi)
Исполнитель: Shakira
Альбом: Laundary Service
Год: 2001 Язык: Английский
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Oh, you know I have seen
A sky without sun
A man with no nation
Saints, captive in chains
A song with no name
For lack of imagination
Ya he...
And I have seen
Darker than ebony
Ya he...
And now it seems, that I
Without your eyes could never be
My one desire, all I aspire
Is in your eyes forever to live
Traveled all over; the seven oceans
There is nothing that I wouldn't give
Came from Bahrein, got to Beruit
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
Came from Bahrein, got to Beruit
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
Oh, I have just seen
A woman of means
In rags and begging some for pleasure
Crossed a river of salt
Just after I rode
A ship that's sunk in the desert
Ya he...
And I have seen
Darker than ebony
Ya he...
And now it seems, that I
Without your eyes could never be
My one desire, all I aspire
Is in your eyes forever to live
Traveled all over; the seven oceans
There is nothing that I wouldn't give
Came from Bahrein, got to Beruit
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
Came from Bahrein, got to Beruit
Looking for someone comparing to you
Tearing down windows and doors
And I could not find eyes like yours
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