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Название: Gasoline
Исполнитель: Sheryl Crow
Альбом: Detours
Год: 2008
Язык: Английский

    (feat. Ben Harper) Way back in the year of 2017 The sun was growing hotter And oil was way beyond its peak When crazy Hector Johnson broke into a refinery And the black gold started flowing Just like Boston tea It was the summer of the riots And London sat in sweltering heat And the gangs of Mini Coopers Took the battle to the streets But when the creed was handed down For no more trucks and no more cars They threw cans of petrol through the windows at Scotland Yard Gasoline Will be free, will be free Gasoline Will be free, will be free When the Mounties stormed the palace of the Saudi family They held them up for ransom Without disturbing their high tea But their getaway was shaky They stalled in the Riyadh streets Cause you can't make it very far When your tank is on empty The final can of gasoline was loaded on a truck And driven through the streets of Agra to the palace aquaduct You see, all the majesty of worship that once adorned these fatal halls Was just a target to the angry As they blew up the Taj Mahal Gasoline Will be free, will be free Gasoline will be free, will be free Gary ran a market way down in Tennessee Where all the farmers got together and talked about this great country But when the government turned its back on farming Man, what I hear They dragged the pumps out of the ground With a big vintage John Deere I've got soldiers on my payroll Standing guard on my front drive Snipers on the roof poised at those Who don't want me alive Cause they audited my taxes My family under threat Cause I've got a message and a megaphone And I'll scream it to the death Gasoline Will be free, will be free Gasoline Will be free, will be free You got the farms in Argentina Making fuel from sugar cane You got the bastards in Washington Afraid of popping the greed vain Cause the money's in the pipeline And pipeline's running dry And we'll be the last to recognize Where there's shit there's always flies

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