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Название: American Jesus
Исполнитель: Simple Plan
Альбом: Non-album songs
Язык: Английский

    I don't need to be a global citizen, 'Cuz I'm blessed by nationality, I'm a member of a growing populace, we enforced our popularity there are things thet seem to pull us under and and there are things that drag us down, but there's a power and a vital presence that's lurking all around we've got the American Jesus see him on the interstate, we've got the American Jesus he helped build the president's estate I feel sorry for the earth's population 'cuz so few live in the U.S.A, at least the foreigners can copy our morality, they can visit but they cannot stay, only precious few can garner the prosperity, and it makes us walk with confidence, we've got a place to go when we die and the architect resides right here we've got the American Jesus bolstering national plan we've got the American Jesus overwhelming millions everyday he's the farmer barren fields, the force the army wields, the expressions in the faces of the starving millions, the power of the man. the fuel that drives the clan, the motive and the conscience of the murderer he's the preacher on TV, the false sincerity, the form letter that written by the big computers, he's the nuclear bombs, and the kids with no moms and I'm fearful that he's inside me. We've got the American Jesus see him on the interstate We've got the American Jesus exercising his authority We've got the American Jesus bolstering national plan We've got the American Jesus overwhelming millions everyday, Yeah! One nation under God [8x]

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