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Название: Me Against The World
Исполнитель: Simple Plan
Альбом: Still Not Getting Any
Год: 2004
Язык: Английский

    We're not gonna be just a part of the game We're not gonna be just the victims They're taking our dreams and they tear them apart To everyone's the same I've got no place to go I've got nowhere to run. They want to watch me fall They think they know it all I'm a nightmare, a disaster That's what they'd always say I'm a lost cause, not a hero But I'll make it on my own I've gotta prove them wrong Me against the world Its me against the world We won't let them change how we feel in our hearts We're not gonna let them control us We won't let them shove all the thoughts in our heads And we'll never be like them I've got no place to go I've got nowhere to run They want to watch me fall They think they know it all I'm a nightmare, a disaster That's what they'd always say I'm a lost cause, not a hero But I'll make it on my own I've gotta prove them wrong Me against the world Its me against the world World….world…world… Its me against the world. (scream) Now I'm sick of this waiting So come on and take your shot You can spit out you insults But nothings gonna change us You can sit there and judge me Say what you want to We'll never let you win. I'm a nightmare, a disaster That's what they'd always say I'm a lost cause, not a hero But I'll make it on my own I've gotta prove them wrong Me against the world I'm a nightmare, a disaster That's what they'd always say I'm a lost cause, not a hero But I'll make it on my own I've gotta prove them wrong Me against the world I'm gonna prove them wrong They'll never bring us down We'll never fall in line I'll make it on my own Me against the world

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