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Название: Snuff Out the Light (Yzma's Song)
Исполнитель: Sting
Альбом: The imperors new groove
Год: 2000
Язык: Английский

    When a woman acquires a certain age And the men who adored you no longer swoon It pays to avoid the sunlit days And live by the light of the kindly moon But the moon grows old Just like us all And her beautiful years are done So now she prays through endless days To take her revenge on the sun When I was a girl at my daddy's side Papa, the royal mortician Revealed to me in secret signs The mark of a magician And Daddy was no dummy Did outrageous things with a mummy And often the stiffs that he would shrive Would look better dead than they did alive I studied well I learnt the trade I thought my looks would never fade If I could find that recipe To give eternal youth to me It was always my ambition To use Papa's tuition And gain some small remission From the vagaries of time Every little ray of sunshine robs me of my youth Who to blame? Who the one? Who to curse? You know the only one to blame Would be my enemy the Sun Snuff out the light Claim your right To a world of darkness Snuff out the light Neophytes Of a world of darkness Supai baby turn me on Every wrinkle soon be gonew&d I could squeeze myself with glee The promises you made to me I've really stopped at nothing Murder, treachery, and lying Whatever it takes to keep my looks You really can't blame a girl for trying Snuff out the light Claim your right To a world of darkness Snuff out the light Neophytes Of a world of darkness Snuff out the light Claim your right To a world of darkness Snuff out the light Here tonightw&d Apparitions of eternal darkness Spiralling in circles through the night Creatures of beguiling blackness No more squinting in the light Bats and owls and coiled sea dragons Crocodile and carrion beasts Swirling in the growing darkness Join us in the coming feast Spectre wraith and apparaition Spirit demon phantom shade Salamander serpents dog-faced devils Dance and watch the dying sunlight fade

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