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Название: Big Lie Small World
Исполнитель: Sting
Альбом: Brand New Day
Год: 1999
Язык: Английский

    I sat down and wrote this letter Telling you that I felt better Since you'd gone and I was free I'm so happy I have so little time to spare now I'm wanted almost everywhere now I make out like Casanova Friends are always coming over Signed my name as if I meant it Sealed it with a kiss and sent it The letter had improved my mood Happy in my solitude But halfway home I changed my tune And when I saw my lonely room The mirror caught my eye When I sit down I cry Big lie small world Big lie small world I had to intercept that letter Telling you that I was better I raced to catch the postman's van He was leaving as I ran I miss the bus I miss the train I end up walking in the rain Big dog chased me down the street I hadn't had a bite to eat Feeling sorry for myself Wishing I was someone else I walked across the city 'Cause I couldn't stand your pity Big lie small world Big lie small world The place you live looks opulent And obviously a higher rent Than our cozy little room I had this sense of doom The landlord says you're out of town That your new boyfriend's always around The hour was getting late So I sit down and wait Here's the postman with my letter Coming down the path, he'd better Give that thing to me I have to make him see Begging doesn't do the trick He thinks that I'm a lunatic And then who comes upon the scene But your new boyfriend Mr. Clean I hit the postman, hit your lover Grabbed the letter ran for cover The police arrived in time for tea Said they'd like to question me I can only curse my fate I have to face the magistrate It hasn't been the best of days I'd like to fly away Big lie small world Big lie small world

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