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Название: They Dance Alone (Gueca Solo)
Исполнитель: Sting
Альбом: Nothing Like The Sun
Год: 1987
Язык: Английский
Скачать песню (8.07 Мб)

    Why are these women here dancing on their own? Why is there this sadness in their eyes? Why are the soldiers here Their faces fixed like stone? I can't see what it is they despise They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone It's the only form of protest they're allowed I've seen their silent faces scream so loud If they were to speak these words they'd go missing too Another woman on the torture table what else can they do They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance One day we'll dance on their graves One day we'll sing our freedom One day we'll laugh in our joy And we'll dance Ellas danzan con los desaparecidos Ellas danzan con los muertos Ellas danzan con amores invisibles Ellas danzan con silenciosa angustia Danzan con sus padres Danzan con sus hijos Danzan con sus esposos Ellas danzan solas Danzan solas Hey Mr. Pinochet You've sown a bitter crop It's foreign money that supports you One day the money's going to stop No wages for your torturers No budget for your guns Can you think of your own mother Dancin' with her invisible son They're dancing with the missing They're dancing with the dead They dance with the invisible ones Their anguish is unsaid They're dancing with their fathers They're dancing with their sons They're dancing with their husbands They dance alone They dance alone

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