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Название: Straight To My Heart
Исполнитель: Sting
Альбом: Nothing Like The Sun
Год: 1987
Язык: Английский

    Well in a hundred years from now They will attempt to tell us how A scientific means to bliss Will supercede the human kiss A sub atomic chain Will maybe galvanize the brain A biochemic trance Will eliminate romance But why ever should we care When there are arrows in the air Formed by lovers' ancient art That go straight to my heart A future sugar coated pill Would give our lovers time to kill I think they're working far too much For the redundancy of touch But what will make me yours Are a million deadly spores Formed by lovers' ancient art That go straight to my heart Come into my door Be the light of my life Come into my door You'll never have to sweep the floor Come into my door Be the light of my life Come into my door Come and be my wife I'll be true. To no one but you If it's a future world we fear We have tomorrow's seeds right here For you can hold them in your hand Or let them fall into the sand But if our love is pure The only thing of which we're sure Then you can play your part And go straight to my heart If I should seek immunity And love you with impunity Then the only thing to do Is for me to pledge myself to you But they only dealt one card So for me it is not hard You're the bright star in my chart You go straight to my heart Come into my door Be the light of my life Come into my door You'll never have to sweep the floor Come into my door Be the light of my life Come into my door Come and be my wife I'll be true. To no one but you

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