Название: Jumping Someone Else's Train
Исполнитель: The Cure
Альбом: Boys Don't Cry
Год: 1980 Язык: Английский
Don't say what you mean
You might spoil your face
If you walk in the crowd
You won't leave any trace
It's always the same
You're jumping someone else's train
It won't take you long
To learn the new smile
You have to adapt
Or you'll be out of style
It's always the same
You're jumping someone else's train
If you pick up on it quick
You can say you were there
Again and again and again
You're jumping someone else's train
It's the latest wave
That you've been craving for
The old ideal was getting such a bore
Now you're back in line
Going not quite quite as far
But in half the time
Everyone's happy
They're finally all the same
Because everyone's jumping
Everybody else's train
Jumping someone else's train
Jumping someone else's train
Jumping someone else's train
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