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Название: Way of The World
Исполнитель: Tina Turner
Альбом: Simply The Best
Год: 1991
Язык: Английский

    Baby, I need a hand to hold tonight And one bright star to remind me How dear is this life And baby, I've never known anyone like you There's something very special about you I can't imagine living without you It's the way of the world and it's motion And no ocean can keep us apart When the moment is right and you're holding me tight You capture the beat of my heart In my heart there's s fire always burning And there isn't a thing I can't do I'm resigned to the fact that there's no turning back And I'll never regret loving you Baby, I will go anywhere you need As long as you're there beside me Baby, that's all I need Hold me, hold me and never let me go I'm always gonna care about you I never wanna be without you It's the way of the world and it's motion And no ocean can keep us apart When the moment is right and you're holding me tight You capture the beat of my heart In my heart there's s fire always burning And there isn't a thing I can't do I'm resigned to the fact that there's no turning back And I'll never regret loving you You're everything I believe in So don't ever lose the feeling Don't ever lose the feeling

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