Название: Wedding Song
Исполнитель: Tracy Chapman
Альбом: Collection
Год: 2001 Язык: Английский
I've been having dreams and visions
In them you are always standing
Right beside me
I reach out for your hand
To see your arms extending
outstretched towards me
For you I don the veil
By your light
Others pale by comparison
I place my faith in love
My fate in this communication
I've been having dreams and visions
In them you are always standing
Right beside me
I reach out for your hand
To see your arms extending
Outstretched towards me
To you I give my pledge
I honor all that's good
In this life we're living
To think not only of myself
But of the greater union
Can I get a witness
There is salvation and rapture for the lonely
Can I get a witness
Bless this day sacred and holy
Sacred and Holy
I've been having dreams and visions
In them you are always standing
Right beside me
I reach out for your hand
To see your arms extending
Outstretched towards me
With you I am revealed
All my shame all my faults and virtues
Behold body mind and spirit
Heart and soul devoted all to you
Can I get a witness
Bless this day sacred and holy
Sacred and Holy
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