I found myself
All wired up
On things I don't really care about
It makes no sense
What I'm going through
I lay on my back taking shit from you
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
It goes away as you start to love
The Pleasure
It goes away as you start to love
Filth Kiss Chrome Bitch
Filth Kiss Chrome Bitch
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
You peeled me off
Like a second skin
You tried to find another way in
To my deepest secret
My deepest scars
It's gotta hurt the stuff you see in the stars
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
It goes away as you start to love
The Pleasure
It goes away as you start to love
Filth Kiss Chrome Bitch
Filth Kiss Chrome Bitch
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Why do I have to put up with this ?
Filth Kiss Chrome Bitch
Filth Kiss Chrome Bitch
Filth Kiss Chrome Bitch
Filth Kiss Chrome Bitch
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