Let's play
It's so cold
So alone
Let's play
Like there's no tomorrow
Hey Now Now
My Neo Geisha
Hey Now Now
My Neo Geisha
So give in to the voice inside your head
Repeating everything you've said
Give in for the S in suicide
Give in to the pain
My Neo Geisha
From the bottom
Of my inflatable heart
I'll give you one chance to pray
For a happy end that doesn't exist
For a goodbye that's never been kissed
Hey Now Now
My Neo Geisha
Hey Now Now
My Neo Geisha
So give in to the voice inside your head
Repeating everything you've said
Give in for the S in suicide
Give in to the pain
My Neo Geisha
I catch you right before you fall
The 21st century doll
I see your face in a mirror ball
So give in to the voice inside your head
Repeating everything you've said
Give in for the S in suicide
Give in to the pain
My Neo Geisha
Hey Now Now
My Neo Geisha
Hey Now Now
My Neo Geisha
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