Название: Plasmatic
Исполнитель: Zeromancer
Альбом: Eurotrash
Год: 2001 Язык: Английский
Eat my soul
From a silverspoon
Think I need some of that
Breathing room
Do you hear
The ringing in my ear
Am I the only one
Who can make myself
What is wrong when your
Ego is a rose in bloom
All I know is my
Ego is a room without a view
Fed up of repeating myself
You are looking for something I haven't got
Fed ex dreams when things are too slow
Only let you know what you need to know
What is wrong when your
Ego is a rose in bloom
All I know is my
Ego is a room without a view
Now, now, now is the time, time, time
Now, now, now is the time, time, time
For you and me
Now, now, now is the time, time, time
Now, now, now is the time, time, time
For you and me
Now, now, now is the time, time, time
Now, now, now is the time, time, time
What is wrong when your
Ego is a rose in bloom
All I know is my
Ego is a room without a view
All I know is my Ego
All I know is my Ego
All I know is my Ego
What is wrong when your
Ego is a rose in bloom
All I know is my
Ego is a room without a view
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