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New Zealand
New Zealand is an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth, is situated southeast of Australia. The country consists of three islands: the North island, the South island and Stuart island. New Zealand is a mountainous country. The mountains run from southwest to northeast throughout both the larger islands. The Southern Alps, the highest New Zealand mountains, lie near the west coast of South island. The mountains in the North Island are not so high and are mostly forest-covered. The central part of North Island is a high volcanic plateau. There are many lakes in this part of the island. New Zealand's rivers are short. The climate in New Zealand is worm and the greater part of the country is well watered. New Zealand has a very few native animals. The kiwi, a bird which lives in the forest and doesn't fly, is found nowhere else in the world. The kiwi is a national emblem of New Zealand. New Zealand's natural resources are not so rich-coal, natural gas, iron ore, building materials and fast rivers on which hydro-electric stations have been built.