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Страноведение / Россия

Версия для печати


Moscow is a capital of Russia, it's political, economic, commercial and cultural center. It was founded 8 centuries age by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Gradually the city becomes more and more powerful. In the 16th century Ivan the Terrible Moscow become the capital of the new united state. Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers. Population of the city is over 8 million. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of the Moscow is Red Square. It is more historic associations than any other place in Moscow. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become a symbol of the country. On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Grate, the Palace of Congress, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. There are a lot of beautiful places, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow. There are more then 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow is famous for it's theaters. The best-known of the is Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theaters and studios are also very popular. Moscow is a city of the students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions in it.

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