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Топики по английскому языку (English topics)

Страноведение / Великобритания

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English customs and traditions

If you arrive in Great Britain you'll hear the word "tradition" everywhere. Englishmen have sentimental love for things and traditions. They also enjoy antiques. In many houses in Great Britain you can still see how people lived centuries before. Traditions are very much kept alive.

An example is the Yeomen-Warders who are dressed in traditional medieval clothes and the traditional dress of the Horse Guards regiment has existed since the twelfth century. In the House of Lords of the British Parliament there are two rows of benches for lords and a sack of wool for the Lord Chancellor to sit on it. This is so because in the old times wool made England rich and powerful. In the House of Commons you will see two rows of benches for the two parties: the government on one side and the opposition - on the other. In front of the benches there is the strip on a carpet and when a member speaking in the House puts his foot beyond that strip, there is a shout "Order!". This dates from the time when the members had swords on them and during the discussion might want to start fighting. The word "order" reminded them that no fighting was allowed in the House. Another old custom remains from the time when there was a lot of robbers in London. In those days the shouting "Who goes home?" was often heard in the Houses of Parliament and the members went in groups along the dark narrow streets of the old city. In modern London with its well-lit streets the shouting "Who goes home?" is still heard.

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