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Страноведение / Великобритания

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Weather in UK

It is never too hot or too cold in Great Britain. This is because of the sea, which keeps the island warm in winter and makes the air cool in summer. It is also very often windy in Great Britain. The winds blow from the south-west two days out of every three. But the warm winds from the Atlantic are also very wet. They bring a lot of rain to the island, whereas the east or north-east winds are cold and dry. The weather changes very often in Great Britain. The weather never stays the same for a long time. In spring, for example, sunshine and showers follow each other so often during the day that an umbrella or a rain-coat is really necessary. The weather in spring is generally mild, but sometimes the days are really cold. The summer is not as hot as on the continent, and warm days in autumn are beautiful. In winter Britain has all sorts of weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows. Still, in Great Britain it is never as cold in winter as in our country, and they do not get as much snow as we get here in Russia. The rivers and lakes are seldom covered with ice. As the ice, if there is any, is not thick enough, they seldom go skating on the rivers in Great Britain. But the worst thing about the climate in Great Britain is the thick fog they so often have in autumn and in winter. It is sometimes so thick that cars may run into one another.

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