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Топики по английскому языку (English topics)

Страноведение / Великобритания

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England is often subdivided into three parts: the South, the Midlands and the North. In the South, the landscape is varied. The climate is warmer than in other areas. There are hundreds of miles of sea coast which range from flat or stony beaches to high rocky cliffs. The mild and sunny climate makes the south coast popular with holiday-makers. Some coastal resorts are famous, Brighton being among them. Somerset, Devon and Cornwall are rural counties with hidden fishing hamlets and are home to Britain's warmest weather in winter. There are also high and deep wooded valleys. Inland, the landscape is gentle and green. It's famous for its quiet beauty of the countryside.

One of the most beautiful counties in the South of England is certainly Kent. It is known as the gardens of England, because it is famous for its fruit and vegetables. In general, the South is wealthier than other areas of Britain. Work of all kinds is provided by the land. British Aerospace has factories building aeroplanes in several parts of the South. Lots of people are involved in service industries including financial, business and government services, computer services and information systems. There are also science-based companies and research organizations.

The Midlands Region has a lot of farming land, but this part of the country is better known as an industrial area. Birmingham, which is often called 'the big heart of England', is the most important city of the Midlands. It is the second largest city in the United Kingdom. Birmingham is famous for engineering, especially car production. Derby is another engineering centre. Rolls Royce makes airplane engines and cars there.

The West Midlands is another industrialized area, where there are many collieries and steelworks. It is known for the black smoke and blackened buildings there. In contrast, the Midlands region has some beautiful picturesque countryside in the Peak District with its National Park.

In the North, the weather is considerably colder. There is almost always snow in the winter. This is a region of great natural beauty although industry of some kind has existed here for hundreds of years. There is a strong contrast in the North between the beautiful open, hilly countryside and its industrial towns and mining villages. In parts of the North, especially in Yorkshire, there are gentle wooded valleys, green pastures and excellent farming land.

West Yorkshire is a very good county for sheep farming, and it has long been Britain's most important area for the wool industry. Some famous industrial cities in the North are Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds and Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Editor's note-The dash is not used in English as it is in Russian. We tend to use commas. In addition, a ship is a boat, and sheep are the animals, who generously provide us with wool.

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