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Robin Hood

Robin Hood went to Nottingham Market and sold the meat very cheap. The butchers in Nottingham were very angry with Robin Hood for selling the meat so cheap. They wanted to know where he came from. They invited Robin to a dinner with the sheriff of Nottingham. On the way to the town-hall an old butcher began to ask Robin questions. "Haven't you ever been here before?" he asked. "Haven't I?" answered Robin. "Haven't I ever seen you before?" "Haven't you?" "Are you a new in the business? Well, I think so," said the old butcher, getting very angry. "Do you?" said Robin laughing. Soon they came to the town-hall and the butchers learned nothing about Robin Hood. At dinner the sheriff heard about the new butcher who sold meat so cheap. The sheriff wanted to buy cattle cheap too. So he asked Robin Hood if he had any cattle to sell. Robin offered the sheriff to see his cattle in the field the next morning. That night the sheriff took out three hundred pounds of his gold and put it in three bags. In the morning the sheriff got on his horse, and with three hundred pounds in gold went with Robin Hood to see the cattle. When the sheriff saw that they were on the road to Sherwood Forest he was frightened and wanted to go back to Nottingham. But Robin laughed only and they went on. When they came into the forest Robin saw about a hundred deer among the trees. "Look there" he cried. "How do you like my cattle?"

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