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American Slang 2fake = counterfeit, not real - поддельный, фальшивый fly = very attractive to get into it with someone = to start arguing or fighting with someone ghetto = a very poor area of a city green = a way to say money gnarly = very good, cool, awesome, enjoyable (pronounced "narly") a groupie = a person (usually a girl) that follows a rock band, or rap artist with the intent of spending time with them - поклонница рок- или поп-группы, следующая за группой во всех гастрольных поездках grenade = an overweight, unattractive girl (made popular by TV series Jersey Shore). Also see 'landmine' below. hater = someone that is jealous, dislikes something, or does not approve of something hangover = the negative effects of alcohol the day after heavy drinking - похмелье to be high = to under the influence of drugs home boy = a friend (male) ice = diamonds to be "in" = to be in style, stylish, or cool (usually used when talking about fashion) to jack something = to steal something a jam = a song a joint = a marijuana cigarette junk in the trunk = a butt, booty, buttocks to get knocked up = to accidently get pregnant (usually outside of marriage) landmine = an skinny unattractive girl - тощая девушка loco = crazy to be on lock down = to be forbidden to go anywhere to be locked in = to be commited to doing something - обещать что-то сделать to lock something up = when something is guaranteed to happen, something will surely happen due to someone's actions to mess something up = to do something wrong, to ruin something nada = nothing, none Смотрите также видеоролики American Slang на sznation.ru по материалам American Slang Dictionaries Online Читать дальше >> |
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