'); document.reswin.document.write("

"); document.reswin.document.write("

Perfect Infinitive / Перфектный Инфинитив. Особенности употребления.

"); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); document.reswin.document.write(""); for(i=0; i"); if (ans_A[i]==1) {document.reswin.document.write("");} else {document.reswin.document.write("");} } document.reswin.document.write("
Правильных ответов: " + num_correct_A + "
Вопрос № Результат
"); document.reswin.document.write(i+1); document.reswin.document.write("верноневерно


Запись на бесплатный вебинар по английскому языку

Запись на бесплатный марафон по английскому языку

"); } function ResultWindowA() { if ((document.reswin==null)||(document.reswin.closed)) WriteToWindA(); else {document.reswin.close(); WriteToWindA();} document.WreturnValue=false; } function ShowAnswersA() {for(i=0; i


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Английский язык: уроки онлайн

Уровень Upper-Intermediate

Урок 1. Инфинитив / The Infinitive

Тема 5. Perfect Infinitive / Перфектный Инфинитив. Особенности употребления.


Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. The people is said … a new president.
  2. You might … me your hand when I was getting out of the car!
  3. I can't find the car keys anywhere. I … have dropped them on the road.
  4. The important data have disappeared. It must … by enemies.
  5. I was very lucky … this job.
  6. He has not arrived yet. He is … to have caught that train.
  7. I still haven’t got a letter from her. She must … my email.
  8. Our car has stopped. We seemed to have … out of gas.
  9. Jack looks very unhappy. He is sure to … the exam.
  10. The crew was reported to … from the sinking ship.

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