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Заказ и подтверждение заказа

Оформление писем-заказов довольно простое, так как оно практически сводится к заполнению готовых бланков.

Пример письма-заказа

Dear Sirs, 2nd February, 1998
Please find enclosed our Order No DR 4316, for men's and boys' sweaters in assorted sizes, colours and designs.
We have decided to accept the 15% trade discount you offered and terms of payment viz. documents against payment, but would like these terms reviewed in the near future.
Would you please send the shipping documents and your sight draft to Northminster Bank (City Branch), Deal Street, Birmingham?
If you do not have some of the listed items in stock, please do not send substitutes in their place.
We would appreciate delivery within the next six weeks, and look forward to your acknowledgement.
Yours faithfully,

Подтверждение заказа

Иногда нет возможности выполнить заказ. Например, отсутствует требуемый товар, невозможно доставить товар в нужный для клиента срок и т.п. Эти проблемы можно грамотно решить при помощи уточнения заказа.

Dear Mr. Storms:
When a friend helps us on with a coat, we smile and say 'Thank vou'. If we drop something and someone pick it up for us, we practically burst with gratitude. Strange? Not at all. But it is strange that when we get into business, we take so many things for granted that we forget to say 'Thank you'. Take old customers like you, for instance. You did something pretty important for us - important because you think so much of your business that it gives us а greate deal of pleasure to see it grow.

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your order of 20th February. Unfortunately 7390/6 is out of stock at present and will not be available again before the end of April. We can, however, offer the slightly better very similar model 7395/4 at a price of $19 instead, which is in stock and is perhaps even more suitable. Please let us know whether we may send it with model I260/3 which we haved reserved, for you. Look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully,

Фразы и выражения

  • Thank you for your letter of November 1st. We regret being unable to execute your order.
  • We have the pleasure of informing you that…
  • We are very sorry indeed to have to advise you of a delay in Executing Contract №
  • As requested in your letter we have give the priority to Contract №
  • We have every reason to believe that we will be able to meet the delivery date.
  • We wish to explain why there was a delay in shipment.
  • We apologise for the delay which was due to circumstances beyond our control.
  • Unfortunately we have run out of the material you asked for. As you have particularly requested only this material we will not offer a substitute, but hope we will get delivery of a new consignment within the next two months.
  • We will be unable to complete delivery by the stipulated date and would appreciate if you would agree to extend the delivery time.
  • If you wish to cancel your order, you may, but I think you will find that most manufacturers are faced with the same difficulties at present.
  • Our difficulties are only temporary. We hope you will understand the circumstances that compel us to do it.

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