Getting a Visa and Going Abroad Получение визы и поездка за границу
Coming Home After Vacation
MARTIN: Hello, Emma. EMMA: Hello, Martin. MARTIN: Well, Emma, I didn't see you at all during July. I phoned you more than once. Where were you? EMMA: In July? I was in Italy. I went to Rome in July. MARTIN: Oh, Rome. Did you go by ship? EMMA: Yes, I did. I went by ship, but I came home by plane. MARTIN: When did you come back, Emma? EMMA: Yesterday morning. MARTIN: Did you stay in a good hotel? EMMA: Yes, I did, and the food was very good, too. MARTIN: Were there any Americans in your hotel? EMMA: There were very few Americans, but there were a lot of Germans. There were some people from Russia and Eastern Europe in our hotel. MARTIN: I'm going to lunch now, Emma. Come and join me and we'll talk about Rome. EMMA: I'm sorry, Martin, but I've had my lunch already. See you next time. Bye, Martin. MARTIN: Bye, Emma.
Rome - Рим to go by plane - лететь на самолете to go by ship - плыть на пароходе
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