Телефонный разговорник
Getting a Visa and Going Abroad
Получение визы и поездка за границу
The Bukins in London
Sergei and Marina Bukins en route to New York stopped in London for a couple of days. Sergei rings up his friend Charles Maxwell.
SERGEI: Hello, Charles. This is Sergei Bukin.
CHARLES: Hello, Sergei. Where are you, old boy?
SERGEI: Here, in London.
CHARLES: Is Marina with you?
SERGEI: Yes, we are travelling to New York.
CHARLES: To the United Nations, I guess?
SERGEI: I'm now a U.N. staff member, and we'll be staying in New York.
CHARLES: Good. Welcome to London.
SERGEI: We are looking forward to seeing you.
CHARLES: Maggy and I remember our visit to Moscow. How long are you planning to stay in London?
SERGEI: Only for two days.
CHARLES: We haven't much time, I'm afraid. Tomorrow we begin with a lunch at our place, then I take you to see the Buckingham Palace.
SERGEI: The residence of the Queen?
CHARLES: If the flag is flying Her Majesty is in the Palace.
SERGEI: Any chance of visiting her?
CHARLES: Only if you have her personal invitation on the recommendation of your chief, the U.N. Secretary-General (both laugh). Then we have a walk in Hyde Park.
SERGEI: Is it a place where the rich people ride on horseback?
CHARLES: Yes, and the common people at weekends and on summer evenings deliver speeches.
SERGEI: The Russian Embassy is somewhere nearby, am I right?
CHARLES: Yes, in Kensington Palace Gardens, 13. After the Park we visit the National Gallery. The Gallery includes over 4,000 works, you know.
SERGEI: Can we see some of Turner's studies?
CHARLES: Not only of this great artist's paintings but the works of Gainsborough, Constable and other outstanding English artists. Shall we go to the theatre or a night club in the evening, Sergei?
SERGEI: I think Marina will prefer the theatre.
CHARLES: I'm sure Maggy will choose the theatre, too. You say you are leaving on Monday?
SERGEI: Yes, in the afternoon.
CHARLES: Then we have the whole of Sunday. Sunday morning I'll take you to the Tower of London which for centuries has served the three purposes - of a fortress, a palace and a prison.
SERGEI: Is the Tower the depository of the Crown's jewels?
CHARLES: Yes, it is. Crowns, diamonds, pearls and other precious regalia are kept in a double case of steel there.
SERGEI: Charles, could you show us the Houses of Parliament?
CHARLES: Of course. Unfortunately, on Sunday the Parliament is not sitting, and we cannot gain admission to the Members' Gallery and listen to the debates. But we will see the famous Big Ben and hear its resonant note.
SERGEI: Fine. I think that will do for the day. You will be very tired.
CHARLES: No, one more visit and that is the British Museum. The guide will take us around and show everything. And in the evening we'll have a farewell supper at my home. I would like Marina and you to meet some of my English friends.
SERGEI: It's very kind of you, Charles.
CHARLES: Where do you say you are staying?
SERGEI: The South Kensington Hotel, Queen's Gate Terrace.
CHARLES: That is the West End. I know the place. See you tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
SERGEI: Goodbye, Charles.
CHARLES: Goodbye.
the Buckingham Palace - Букингемский дворец
the Queen - королева
the U.N. Secretary General - Генеральный секретарь ООН
Hyde Park - Гайд-парк
Turner, Gainsborough, Constable - Тернер, Гейнсборо, Констебль
the Houses of Parliament - английский парламент
the Big Ben - Биг Бен (часы на здании английского парламента)
the British Museum - Британский музей