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The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the IBRD)

The Bank was established in 1944. The purpose of the International Bank was to assist countries experiencing temporary difficulties with their balances of payment and provide loans to cover reconstruction or capital development.

MR. BUKIN: Hello. Is this Information Service?
MR. LODGE: Yes, it is.
MR. BUKIN: I would like to have a word with Mr. Lodge, Director of Information Service, please.
MR. LODGE: Yes, I'm Lodge.
MR. BUKIN: Good morning, Mr. Lodge. I'm Bukin, from Russian Investment Bank.
MR. LODGE: Glad to hear that, Mr. Bukin. Is there anything I can do for you?
MR. BUKIN: We're interested in getting some basic information about the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
MR. LODGE: I'm ready to answer your questions, Mr. Bukin.
MR. BUKIN: When was the Bank founded?
MR. LODGE: The Bank was founded at the end of the Second World War to help developing nations which had war-damaged economies. At present the Bank has members in more than 150 countries.
MR. BUKIN: Who is the Bank run by?
MR. LODGE: By Board of Governors, which consists of members of national governments. But the Bank operates as an international non-governmental and noncommercial organization.
MR. BUKIN: Does the Bank render any financial assistance?
MR. LODGE: Oh, yes, loans are given to poor countries at low interest rates, while disaster-stricken countries get loans free of interest.
MR. BUKIN: How big is the annual financial assistance?
MR. LODGE: You see, the Bank's annual financial assistance to member countries amounts to 30 billion dollars.
MR. BUKIN: It's a huge amount, isn't it?
MR. LODGE: Yes, it is, but of this sum interest-free loans total 4.5 billion dollars.
MR. BUKIN: Where do you get your funds from?
MR. LODGE: Funds are obtained from distributing Bank loans to industrialized countries. The major capital-providing states are highly developed countries.
MR. BUKIN: Do you derive any profits?
MR. LODGE: No, according to the Bank's Charter, it should not derive any profit from its financial operations.
MR. BUKIN: I've heard that the Bank extends its help not only to the poor countries.
MR. LODGE: That's right. Our help has been used not only by poor countries but also by rich ones, say, oil exporters such as Venezuela. They get recommendations from us on how best to spend their money.
MR. BUKIN: Could you render help to a country in the process of transition from a command economy to a free economy?
MR. LODGE: You mean the former countries of the Soviet Union, Mr. Bukin?
MR. BUKIN: Yes, exactly.
MR. LODGE: The Bank could help any country providing it becomes a member of the International Bank and gives some additional information on its economic position, gold reserves, debts, etc.
MR. BUKIN: Thank you very much, Mr. Lodge, for your telephone interview. I'm sure the Russian Investment Bank will cooperate with you.
MR. LODGE: We will be glad to help you, Mr. Bukin. Goodbye.
MR. BUKIN: Goodbye.

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Международный банк реконструкции и развития
basic information - исходные данные
additional information - дополнительная информация
non-commercial organization - некоммерческая организация
to extend, to render assistance - оказывать помощь
war-damaged economy - экономика, пострадавшая в результате войны
to run a bank - управлять банком
the Board of Governors - Совет управляющих, правление
interest-free loan - беспроцентный заем
low interest rate - низкий процентный курс
disaster-stricken country - страна, потерпевшая бедствие
amount, sum - сумма
to amount - доходить до, суммировать
non-governmental organization - неправительственная организация
to total - составлять
to obtain funds - получать средства
major capital-providing state - страна, являющаяся основным вкладчиком капитала
to derive profits - получать, извлекать доходы
the Bank's Charter - устав банка
debt - долг
say - скажем, зд. например
the process of transition - процесс перехода, переходный период
exactly - разг. да, совершенно верно
providing - при условии
gold reserve - золотой запас

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