Informal and Formal Telephone Conversations Неофициальные и официальные телефонные разговоры
Telephone Inquiries Справки по телефону
Flight Information
OPERATOR: Good morning. British European Airways. MR.SOKOLOV: Good morning. Could you please connect me with someone who can tell me when the afternoon plane from Moscow is arriving? OPERATOR: You want Flight Information. I'll try and put you through. I'm sorry. Flight Information is engaged at the moment. Will you hold on or call back? MR. SOKOLOV: I'll hold on, thanks. OPERATOR: I'm putting you through to Flight Information now. CLERK: Flight Information. Can I help you? MR. SOKOLOV: Could you please tell me if there is any delay on the flight from Moscow this afternoon? CLERK: Yes, it's due in at 16.35, that's an approximate delay of twenty minutes. MR. SOKOLOV: Thank you. Good morning.
Flight Information - справочное бюро (аэропорта)
to be due in - прибывать
approximate delay - приблизительное опоздание
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