Телефонный разговорник
What One Should Know About Telephone Calls Что следует знать о телефонных переговорах
Useful Information You Can Find in a Telephone Directory
Urgent Telephone Calls (in Moscow)
Fire Department, Militia, First Aid, Gas Trouble - 911
Other telephone calls
Information on Moscow telephone numbers, telefaxes and addresses of commercial associations, banks, foreign firms and embassies.
Information on Moscow telephone numbers (round-the-clock service)
Business information
International trunk calls
Weather in Moscow
Weather in foreign capitals
Telegrams by telephone
Lost documents
Lost property:
- in buses, trolley-buses and trams
- in metro
Taxi (round-the-clock service)
Vacant accommodation in Moscow hotels
Aeroflot service
Railway service
Bus service
urgent telephone calls - срочные телефонные вызовы
first aid - скорая помощь
gas troubles - неполадки с газом
accidents - несчастные случаи
round-the-clock service - круглосуточная служба
lost documents - утерянные документы
lost property - зд. забытые вещи
vacant accommodation - свободные номера (в гостиницах)