Informal and Formal Telephone Conversations Неофициальные и официальные телефонные разговоры
Small Talk Обмен мнениями
Asking After Health
MR. BUTOV: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Frost, please? SECRETARY: Just a moment. Mr. Frost, it's for you. MR. FROST: Hello, who's speaking? MR. BUTOV: This is Mr. Butov. MR. FROST: Good afternoon, Mr. Butov. I haven't heard from you since October. MR. BUTOV: I had flu for a couple of weeks, but I'm fine now. MR. FROST: I'm glad to hear that. We did have a spell of bad weather. MR. BUTOV: By the way, did you hear what happened to Fred Jackson? MR. FROST: No, what about him? MR. BUTOV: He has had such a bad case in the flu that they've taken him to the hospital. MR. FROST: I am sorry to hear that. Poor fellow, he won't be able to attend your Chiefs birthday party. MR. BUTOV: I'm afraid not. And what about you? Will you be coming? MR. FROST: I hope I will, unless I myself get ill. MR. BUTOV: Good. See you on Tuesday, and you'll tell me about the party. Goodbye. MR. FROST: Goodbye.
a bad case of flu - сильная простуда unless I get ill - если я не заболею to attend a birthday party - прийти на день рождения
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