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Спорт / Спорт в моей жизни

Версия для печати

My favorite sport

All kinds of sports and games are cultivated in our country as well as in England, the USA and other countries of the world. Tennis, hockey, volleyball and football have become very popular in Russia. Football is my favourite sport. The term "football" is understood differently in the US and Britain. For a British man "football" is the same as what is known as "футбол" in our country. For an American "football" means American football, while the game usually played here in Russia is known as "soccer". Soccer is played by two teams, equal in number, each consisting of eleven players. This is, properly speaking, genuine football, the ball being driven only by the feet. The eleven players take up their position on the field. The centre forward stands at the centre. On the right are the inside right and the outside right, on the left are the inside left and the outside left. The three half-backs are stationed behind the forward line. The goal is protected by the right back, the left back and the goalkeeper. No handling is allowed except by the goalkeeper. Excellent technique, flexible modern tactics and good teamwork are characteristic features of modern football.

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«Дары волхвов» в параллельном переводе

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all.
Один доллар восемьдесят семь центов. Это было все.


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