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Топики по английскому языку (English topics)

Путешествия. Мое последнее путешествие.

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People are fond of traveling. They spend their holidays traveling. They travel to see other countries and continents, to learn a lot about people's traditions, to enjoy picturesque places. It is interesting for them to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food. Those who live in the country like to find themselves in large cities with their shops, cinemas, crowds of people. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains with nothing to do but walking and bathing, lazying in the sun. Most travelers and holiday makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them - beautiful views of waterfalls, forests, unusual plants and animals. These photos will remind them of the happy time of holiday. These are many ways of traveling - by train, by plain, by ship, on foot. Everyone chooses his favourite one. My favourite way is traveling by plain. And not because it is very comfortable. It is exciting. I also like traveling by train. I've traveled this way a lot. When you are in the train you can see the beauty of nature. I envy the tourists because I think that they study geography traveling and visiting different parts of the world. They can tell you many things which you didn't know before. They are interesting people from whom you can learn much new for yourself. Any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you can never see or learn at home. Though you may read about them in books and newspapers. As for me I'd like to have a coach tour to some foreign country. Coach tours are planned and I'll have a chance to do a lot of sightseeings and have a good rest at the same time.

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